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  from Diane Schmidt
Mother's Day is almost here and with it comes the panic of finding mom that perfect gift. I mean, what do you get for the person who, as my mother always reminded me, brought you into this world. That's a pretty tall order to fill.

In the Spotlight
Gift Ideas and Tips for Mother's Day
Every mother is different in terms of what they like to receive as gifts. My mother wanted only practical things. So while I felt guilty giving her a new iron or dishwasher, she claimed they were the best presents she ever received. Guess it pays to know what makes your mother tick.

           More Topics
Affordable Mother's Day Gifts
Usually, the best gift is one that's straight from the heart rather than the pocketbook.

Top 10 Home Theater Gifts for Mom
Now, what mother wouldn't love a new theater system? Buy a few chick flicks, toss in a blanket and a box of Kleenex and you'll be the favorite child for years to come.

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