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About House & Home: Inexpensive Ways to Add Color to Your Life

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  from Diane Schmidt
With the change in the weather comes the need to shake up things a bit. So, if you're not in the mood to go skydiving or dye your hair a bright shade of red (I did this last summer with terrible results!), then maybe add some color and pizazz to your home with these great tips from our Guides.

In the Spotlight
DIY Paint Guide for Budget Decorators
I'm a bit obsessed about paint. Every spring I spend hours in the home renovation store, checking out the new color palettes. Last year, I realized that what looks good in the store doesn't necessarily translate well to my home office, the kitchen or the bedroom.

           More Topics
Make Fabulous Container Gardens on a Budget
I'm all into container gardens this year. It's such an easy and low-cost way of adding some color to the front porch or walkway without having to pick up a paint brush. My husband likes that idea.

Add Some Color & Light to the Outdoors
Candles are a great way of adding not only color, but a little romance, without adding to the electricity bill. Plus, you can chase away those dreaded mosquitoes with David's citronella bucket candles. Cool!

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