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About House & Home: Get Ready for Outdoor Living

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  from Diane Schmidt
With the temperature climbing, the grass greening and the flowers starting to bloom (at least where we live), I just want to be outside. But before we can relax and enjoy the weather, there's a lot we need to do to get our outdoors ready for summer living.

In the Spotlight
Outdoor Living Spaces
This summer I'm determined to spend as much time as we can outside. It would help if we could finally finish the patio where we'd planned on hosting so many barbecues last year. So, to get inspired, I turned to David, the About Guide to Landscaping for his wise advise for creating great outdoor spaces.

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All About Gas BBQ Grills
Last year we bought a new BBQ that looks state-of-the-art and seems to do everything but flip the burgers. However, since my husband does most of the cooking, it's always my job to clean-up. Well, one of the things we forgot to check before we bought this grill was how easy it would be to clean. Well, it isn't. Know what you're buying before you do and you'll save yourself a lot of frustration and arguments with your spouse.

5 Tips for Creating Stylish Outdoor Spaces
Maybe this year our space will not only be functional but stylish, too. Ah, one can only dream...

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