วันพุธที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Host an Earth Day Party

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  from Diane Schmidt
Today is Earth Day and while it might be little late to properly plan a party, you can still have some fun after the workday is over. Invite some neighbors, organize a recycling event or kick back and enjoy the sweet smells and sounds of Spring. Happy Earth Day!

In the Spotlight
Host an Earth Day Party
We're celebrating Earth Day this year by joining an Earth Day run. While it's just a short run, I'm still looking forward to rewarding myself afterward with some earth-friendly chocolate and earth-friendly margaritas.

           More Topics
All About Energy-efficient Appliances
Last Fall we switched out our old appliances in favor of new engery-efficient ones. Now my husband feels justified in keeping the refrigerator door open longer when deciding what to have for lunch. So, if I could just train my husband, maybe we'd actually start saving money (and the planet).

Simple Steps Can Lead to Green Savings
I started composting this year and while the amount of garbage we now throw out is so much less, I'm not sure the worms are getting everything they need. I suppose I should just let them do their thing instead of lifting the lid every morning to say "hi".

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