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About House & Home: DIY Projects to Refresh Your Home

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  from Diane Schmidt
Every year on the first sunny, mild day I open all the windows in an attempt to do away with the old while welcoming the new. Of course, this often means bundling up in warm fleece, wool socks and winter mittens, but it's a great and cheap way to freshen up a winter-dreary home.

In the Spotlight
A Recycled Landscape for Just $10
I love the idea of recycling seeds and rescuing plants from construction sites. It's a great way to green-up your greenery and, at the same time, saving a bit of the green (dollars) stuff, too.

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Infuse Your Home With Renewed Energy
So maybe opening the windows is just the beginning to a spring renewal. I love the simple solutions Rodika suggests for bringing more energy into your home; they're easy and inexpensive, too.

Refresh Your Kitchen with a New Backsplash
Every time I suggest to my husband that we redo the kitchen backsplash he feigns shock and horror, claiming that the yellowed, stained tiles are a historical treasure, circa 1975.

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