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About House & Home: Egg Hunts, Bright Colors & Weird Buildings

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  from Diane Schmidt
I love eggs. So far, I've eaten my way through a few chocolate ones and I still have a couple of weeks before Easter arrives. I would worry about my waistline and everything in between, but I'm planning a neighborhood egg hunt. Of course, it'll have to stretch for a least 10 miles to make up for all that chocolate...

In the Spotlight
Plan An Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch
I love egg hunts. I'm not very good at them, so I tend to hold back a few of the chocolate eggs. That way, I can indulge while I watch the rest of the neighborhood search madly for those bits of delicious morsels.

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Dye Easter Eggs without a Kit
Last year I bought one of those dye kits, but my niece found it before I did, ruining her good Easter dress. Needless to say, I'm sticking to doing eggs the old fashioned way this year, at my sister's request.

A Building Shaped like an Egg?
How cool is that, a building shaped like an egg! I have to admit that I love weird shaped buildings. There's just something a little disturbing and intriguing at the same time. I get the same feeling if I spend too much time on a Tilt-a-Whirl.

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Yasirali กล่าวว่า...

Anyone moving a small load over a long distance could consider load sharing to reduce their costs.

We are not discussing the larger national companies whose niche in the market is certainly 'expensive' (and whose branded image may or may not live up to customer's expectations). Neither are we talking about whole residences, or expensive, specialist items or complicated jobs.
We are talking about jobs which are small and simple, and which will not threaten a delivery time schedule:- Unexpected complications are the hidden cost and expense of small removals. These jobs may include a two man removal crew, but if the customer wishes to help out, thereby reducing the labour cost, so much the better.

There are two types of move for which load sharing can be an option.

1) Often people have single items to be moved with no particular urgency - maybe they have been given a piano or need to swap furniture between houses. There are plenty of removal companies who are continually building up lists of these time flexible jobs, so they can create an efficient delivery route.

The problem has always been that these enquiries were uncoordinated, and it used to be a matter of luck as to whether a customer could find a remover able to offer either a firm date or a price. student-movers-forum.com offers this service.
