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About House & Home: Green Up Your Thumb

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  from Diane Schmidt
Growing up we always had a huge vegetable garden that we'd spend almost every waking hour planting, weeding and watering. I never thought I'd take up a hoe again, but I missed the smell of the earth and the taste of fresh veggies that I'd grown myself. So, this year, the garden will be taking over both our front and back yards. I guess this year I'll be spending my entire summer planting, weeding and watering...

In the Spotlight
7 Easy to Grow Plants for Beginners
If you're new to gardening, it's a good idea to start with some veggies that are easy to grow. It doesn't mean you can't experiment, it's just good to have something to show for all your efforts and these crops will definitely produce enough to impress everyone at the dinner table.

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How to Start Plants from Seed
I just finished seeding my cucumbers and they've now taken over our front porch. I might have gone a little overboard, but there's something about planting the first seeds that makes me feel like Spring is truly here.

What Herbs Will Grow In The White House Garden?
So there will finally be a vegetable garden at the White House! Now there's no excuse not to start your own. Of course, I'm using the Presidential family as an example of why my husband should concede and allow our garden to spread to the front yard. Maybe now front yard gardening will become the cool thing to do.

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