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About House & Home: How to Survive Holiday Entertaining

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  from Diane Schmidt
I used to stress about holiday entertaining. So much so that one year my husband said he'd take it over completely, and while he can cook up a mean batch of chili, his other culinary skills are less savory. What I learned from his entertaining style was that when things aren't perfect, and you can laugh about it, your guests tend to have a lot more fun.

In the Spotlight
You Can Survive Holiday Entertaining
Any survival guide that starts with an order to eat cookies is one that needs to be posted prominently on the refrigerator.

           More Topics
Get Your Home Ready for Entertaining
Simple tips to help make your home more welcoming. After all, it's not how much you spend, rather the feeling that people sense when they walk through your front door.

Pick the Perfect Christmas Tree
I used to drive my mother crazy, insisting that we buy the most downtrodden tree in the lot. Having low standards makes it a little easier, but what if you're looking for the perfect tree, the one that's just right for you?

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