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About House & Home: Last Minute Holiday Tips

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  from Diane Schmidt
I try not to leave things until the last minute, but I usually underestimate the time needed to get something done. It would help if I at least quadrupled the hours it'll take to complete a certain task. Like if I'm planning on getting all my holiday gift buying done in eight hours, I should probably count on needing eight days instead since I tend to get sidetracked by all the super sales, like the cozy, cute sweaters that happen to be in my size.

In the Spotlight
How to Clean Up After a Big Meal
Cleaning up after a big meal has to be the least favorite task of all. My mother had the perfect solution. It was called children.

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Black Friday Shopping Tips
This is where I get a little lost. Super sales, bargains and freebies always lure me in. Even if I don't need another pot scrubber, if it's on sale, and the last one, I might have to arm wrestle you for it.

Feng Shui Thanksgiving Tips
Okay, this is really what it's all about. Family, friends, good food and good company, plus some extra ingredients to ensure your holiday is the best one yet.

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