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About House & Home: Have a Safe & Stress-free Holiday

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  from Diane Schmidt
From all the Home and Garden Guides, we wish you a safe, peaceful and stress-free celebration, from our family to yours. Happy Holidays, everyone!

In the Spotlight
Have a Stress-free Holiday
If you find yourself running ragged over the next two days, take some time out to read these great tips for a relaxing and peaceful Christmas. You deserve a little TLC.

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9 Great Last Minute Gifts for the Home Workshop
I don't know about you, but I still have some last minute gifts to buy. I always seems to leave the hardest to buy for until the end. Probably because I'm waiting for divine inspiration to strike. But wait no more, because here are some great last minute gift ideas for those handy-people in your life.

Holiday Safety for Your Dog
In all the last minute prepping and preening, we can sometimes forget our four-legged friends and the special care they need around the holidays. Check out these tips to ensure your pet stays safe this holiday season.

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Evaluating Your Cold Symptoms
How to tell when a runny nose is just a cold, and when it might be turning into something more serious and require a visit to the doctor. More>

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