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About House & Home: Save Money on Holiday Gift Giving

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  from Diane Schmidt
This year we're spending the holidays with my husband's entire extended family. It'll be nice, I'm sure, however, when I found out that my in-laws don't like the idea of picking names out of a hat to make gift buying a little easier, I panicked. I need all the help I can get to try to stay within budget this year. Help!

In the Spotlight
How to Be a Smart Shopper
This handy list is full of great ideas, including how not to feel guilty if you want to re-gift. That means I can now check-off three gift recipients from my list.

           More Topics
Frugal Food Gifts
Who doesn't like to receive food? Last year a friend gave me a huge jar of homemade pickles which meant that I thought of her fondly every day along with my lunchtime sandwich.

Budget-Priced Home Theater Gadgets
Usually electronics don't have a place on a budget-limited gift giver's list, but these great suggestions make giving new gadgets affordable and fun.

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