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About House & Home: Holiday Gifts Worth Making & Giving

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  from Diane Schmidt
I've never been one of those people who can make a stunning gift with just a few basic supplies. But this year I thought I'd try with assistance from our Home and Garden Guides. With these easy to follow instructions, I might just be foregoing the mall in favor of the craft supply store!

In the Spotlight
Holiday Soaps - Perfect for a Christmas Stocking
Now the danger of these gorgeous handmade soaps is that you might want to keep them for yourself. Take note: make extras so you can put some in your own stocking, too.

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Folded Fabric Star Ornament
I have a friend who collects handmade ornaments so I usually end up running to the local import store, hoping to find something unique. But this year, with the help from About's Guide to Quilting, I can make my own ornament that will not only be a one-of-a-kind gift, but will better reflect my love for a very dear friend.

Create a Mini Memory Book
Of all the presents I've ever received, the one that stands out in my mind is a memory scrapbook that friends made for me the first time I moved overseas. It was like I took them with me, and I will always, and still do, treasure it - dearly.

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