วันพุธที่ 29 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Express Your Love & Appreciation

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  from Diane Schmidt
Mother's Day is almost here and with it comes the panic of finding mom that perfect gift. I mean, what do you get for the person who, as my mother always reminded me, brought you into this world. That's a pretty tall order to fill.

In the Spotlight
Gift Ideas and Tips for Mother's Day
Every mother is different in terms of what they like to receive as gifts. My mother wanted only practical things. So while I felt guilty giving her a new iron or dishwasher, she claimed they were the best presents she ever received. Guess it pays to know what makes your mother tick.

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Affordable Mother's Day Gifts
Usually, the best gift is one that's straight from the heart rather than the pocketbook.

Top 10 Home Theater Gifts for Mom
Now, what mother wouldn't love a new theater system? Buy a few chick flicks, toss in a blanket and a box of Kleenex and you'll be the favorite child for years to come.

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วันพุธที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Host an Earth Day Party

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  from Diane Schmidt
Today is Earth Day and while it might be little late to properly plan a party, you can still have some fun after the workday is over. Invite some neighbors, organize a recycling event or kick back and enjoy the sweet smells and sounds of Spring. Happy Earth Day!

In the Spotlight
Host an Earth Day Party
We're celebrating Earth Day this year by joining an Earth Day run. While it's just a short run, I'm still looking forward to rewarding myself afterward with some earth-friendly chocolate and earth-friendly margaritas.

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All About Energy-efficient Appliances
Last Fall we switched out our old appliances in favor of new engery-efficient ones. Now my husband feels justified in keeping the refrigerator door open longer when deciding what to have for lunch. So, if I could just train my husband, maybe we'd actually start saving money (and the planet).

Simple Steps Can Lead to Green Savings
I started composting this year and while the amount of garbage we now throw out is so much less, I'm not sure the worms are getting everything they need. I suppose I should just let them do their thing instead of lifting the lid every morning to say "hi".

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วันพุธที่ 15 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: DIY Projects to Refresh Your Home

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  from Diane Schmidt
Every year on the first sunny, mild day I open all the windows in an attempt to do away with the old while welcoming the new. Of course, this often means bundling up in warm fleece, wool socks and winter mittens, but it's a great and cheap way to freshen up a winter-dreary home.

In the Spotlight
A Recycled Landscape for Just $10
I love the idea of recycling seeds and rescuing plants from construction sites. It's a great way to green-up your greenery and, at the same time, saving a bit of the green (dollars) stuff, too.

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Infuse Your Home With Renewed Energy
So maybe opening the windows is just the beginning to a spring renewal. I love the simple solutions Rodika suggests for bringing more energy into your home; they're easy and inexpensive, too.

Refresh Your Kitchen with a New Backsplash
Every time I suggest to my husband that we redo the kitchen backsplash he feigns shock and horror, claiming that the yellowed, stained tiles are a historical treasure, circa 1975.

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วันพุธที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Get Ready for Outdoor Living

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  from Diane Schmidt
With the temperature climbing, the grass greening and the flowers starting to bloom (at least where we live), I just want to be outside. But before we can relax and enjoy the weather, there's a lot we need to do to get our outdoors ready for summer living.

In the Spotlight
Outdoor Living Spaces
This summer I'm determined to spend as much time as we can outside. It would help if we could finally finish the patio where we'd planned on hosting so many barbecues last year. So, to get inspired, I turned to David, the About Guide to Landscaping for his wise advise for creating great outdoor spaces.

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All About Gas BBQ Grills
Last year we bought a new BBQ that looks state-of-the-art and seems to do everything but flip the burgers. However, since my husband does most of the cooking, it's always my job to clean-up. Well, one of the things we forgot to check before we bought this grill was how easy it would be to clean. Well, it isn't. Know what you're buying before you do and you'll save yourself a lot of frustration and arguments with your spouse.

5 Tips for Creating Stylish Outdoor Spaces
Maybe this year our space will not only be functional but stylish, too. Ah, one can only dream...

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วันพุธที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Egg Hunts, Bright Colors & Weird Buildings

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  from Diane Schmidt
I love eggs. So far, I've eaten my way through a few chocolate ones and I still have a couple of weeks before Easter arrives. I would worry about my waistline and everything in between, but I'm planning a neighborhood egg hunt. Of course, it'll have to stretch for a least 10 miles to make up for all that chocolate...

In the Spotlight
Plan An Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch
I love egg hunts. I'm not very good at them, so I tend to hold back a few of the chocolate eggs. That way, I can indulge while I watch the rest of the neighborhood search madly for those bits of delicious morsels.

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Dye Easter Eggs without a Kit
Last year I bought one of those dye kits, but my niece found it before I did, ruining her good Easter dress. Needless to say, I'm sticking to doing eggs the old fashioned way this year, at my sister's request.

A Building Shaped like an Egg?
How cool is that, a building shaped like an egg! I have to admit that I love weird shaped buildings. There's just something a little disturbing and intriguing at the same time. I get the same feeling if I spend too much time on a Tilt-a-Whirl.

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