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About House & Home: Get Ready for Some Spring Cleaning

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  from Diane Schmidt
It's hard to believe that Spring arrives on Saturday. I usually look forward to it, except for this year. All winter I've been neglectful of my household duties, so it's a little disconcerting to see dust bunnies bigger than our fattest cat. It's a task that will require super-human strength, lots of disinfectant and a few boxes of chocolate.

In the Spotlight
Complete Spring Cleaning Checklist
Okay, when I saw this list I wondered if I would have to wear my yellow rubber gloves for the next few months. But hey, even though the list is complete, most of the tasks are easy enough that you can finish them pretty quickly, especially if you can entice other household members to pick up a broom or dust mop.

           More Topics
Clean-up Your Garden
If you're tired of fighting with the dust bunnies, then maybe it's time to get out the pruners and hit the garden. After all, no one ever sees the inside of the laundry room except for you, whereas the entire neighborhood is watching and waiting for spring to bloom in your front yard.

Clean the Air Without Lifting a Finger
This is the kind of cleaning I prefer. Minimal effort, maximum results. It helps that the plants add some gorgeous color while detracting from the fact that the blinds haven't been dusted since we moved in.

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