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About House & Home: Not Your Typical Spring Break

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  from Diane Schmidt
March signals the start of spring activities, and high on the list is the infamous Spring Break. While you might not be into the beach scene or spending hours in a crowded airport, there are some great ways to have fun without spending a lot of money or even leaving the house.

In the Spotlight
Entertain Your Kids - At Home
The older I get, the better a staycation sounds. Maybe it's because I'm getting tired of dragging myself (and the rest of the family) through airports and hotel lobbies, hoping that I can sleep through the noise that's pounding from the room next door. But entertaining kids at home can be tough, too. At least that's what I thought until I read this article. Cheap, fun and easy - now that's a vacation!

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From Luxury Hotels to Your Home
If you're planing a staycation, then you should take the money that you might have spent on flights, cheap motels and car rentals, to buy yourself a luxurious mattress. Of course, you'll never want to travel again and your family might just have to make their own breakfast on weekend mornings, but believe me, it's worth the sacrifice...

Go Sugaring
When I was young, our family farm had a back acre that consisted of nothing but maple trees. My father had the brilliant idea that we'd get into the maple syrup business, that is, until he realized just how much work it can be. I loved it, though, and if you're just looking for enough to feed your family's sweet tooth and spend some time outdoors, then sugaring is the way to go.

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