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About House & Home: Celebrating All Things Green

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  from Diane Schmidt
These days with all the talk about climate change and eco-friendly products, St. Patrick's Day is taking on a slightly different hue. Now when I partake in my green beer, I'll also be thinking of the earth and how best we can keep her happy.

In the Spotlight
St. Patrick's Day Crafts and Activities
When I was young, I never understood who St. Patrick was despite my teacher's repeated lessons. However, green quickly became my favorite color. My poor mother tried to accommodate me, but she finally had enough when I came down for breakfast one morning with green hair. I was eight. Too young to join a punk band, too old not to know better.

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Get Your Own Natural Cleaning Kit
I hate cleaning. I'll do anything to avoid it. So to make sure our home doesn't get taken over by dust bunnies, I now think of cleaning as a competition to see just how green I can be. It helps. I still dislike it, but at least I can feel better about it, eco-wise.

Start a Vegetable Garden
With the cost of food (and everything else) on the rise, starting a vegetable garden is a great way to save money and eat well. Last year, I took over the backyard, and to my husband's dismay, I'm planning on expanding to the front this season. Even though our family can never eat all we grow, friends, neighbors and the food banks are always happy to share in the harvest.

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