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About House & Home: DIY Projects to Refresh Your Home

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  from Diane Schmidt
Just knowing that Spring is only a month away inspires me to spruce up our home, because once the warm weather arrives, I won't be spending much time indoors. So, if you're feeling the need for a little touch-up and pick-me-up, check out these great projects that will add some zest to your winter-dreary home.

In the Spotlight
Refresh Your Home With a Splash of Color
My husband decided he'd surprise me the last time I went away. I came home to a newly painted office that, unfortunately, looked like the decorator was my two-year old niece. And it's not that I don't like pea soup, but it's not so pleasant when it covers the walls. So, the first order of business in our home is to repaint. I just need to break the news to my husband.

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Refresh Your Bedroom - On a Budget
Decorators often say that the bedroom is the most important room in the house. I guess it's because our bedrooms should be comforting places where we can escape to when the cold winds howl. And in our house, our master bedroom is definitely a sanctuary...but for the cats. Maybe it's time we redecorate and take back the space. Sorry kitties!

Refresh Your Garden With Gorgeous Flower Beds
Even though Spring is still officially a month away, there's nothing like planning a garden to chase away the winter blues. So get started with this easy to follow guide to flower beds.

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