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About House & Home: Love is in the Air

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  from Diane Schmidt
Valentine's Day can be a time to celebrate love in all its forms, whether that's with a special someone or good friends. There's no reason why all of us can't indulge in the love-inspired goodness(including chocolate-shaped hearts) that are an integral part of the holiday.

In the Spotlight
Gifts and Tips for Valentine's Day
Every year I swear I'm going to do something completely outrageous on Valentine's Day - something that my husband would never suspect. But then my enthusiasm seems to dwindle in direct relationship to the growing pile of laundry. Help!

           More Topics
Can You Attract Love?
You bet you can! At least I'm a firm believer in romance as an enticement to love. And even though the laundry might get in the way, nothing says "attraction" like a man with a vacuum cleaner in hand.

Valentine's Day Printables
It's been a long time since I exchanged Valentine's Day cards. This year, I made my own and have them ready to give to friends as a reminder of days past when the big thing was to rush home after school to count the number you received and save that special one signed with a kiss.

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