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About House & Home: Free, Fast and Fun

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  from Diane Schmidt
In this harsh economic clime, I think we could all use a little more free, fast and fun. Don't you?

In the Spotlight
How to Get Free Food
I've always been a sucker for freebies. Just ask my husband who has to wait patiently while I line up for free samples in the grocery store. So, free food? I'm there!

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9 Tips For Speed Cleaning
I hate cleaning. I think most people do. But what I hate the most about it is the amount of time it takes. Sure, I can waste two hours watching a really bad made-for-TV movie and not feel horrible about it, but make me clean the house for two hours and I feel like I'd just lost an incredible amount of time that I'll never get back. Quick cleaning tips? Count me in!

Just Me & You and Hot Tubs For Two
After all that cleaning and standing in line at the grocery store for free food, I long for the soothing comfort of a hot tub. Of course, with Valentine's Day on the horizon, it would be nice to have a hot tub - just for two.

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