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About House & Home: Has Your Horse Hugged You Today?

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  from Diane Schmidt
I love a good hug. There's nothing better than the warmth and tenderness that another set of arms can give. And I'm not talking about the kind of hug that Uncle Dan gives. You know the one, where the person taps your shoulder while standing two feet away. That doesn't count. I get a better hug from my cat.

In the Spotlight
Teach Your Horse to Give a Hug
I just had to share this great article, especially since I was approached by a group of people today who were giving out free hugs. Now, I love hugs, but for me part of the pleasure of receiving the hug is dependent on who's giving it. If it's a horse, I'll accept it gladly. If it's a strange man on the street looking way too eager, I'll probably pass.

           More Topics
Grow Your Own Aphrodisiacs
Of course, some people (and horses, too), may need a little extra something before they feel comfortable giving and receiving a hug. And that's okay. Especially when you can grow that extra something right in your own backyard!

Lipstick Sofa
When I saw this sofa, I thought I just had to have one. With its cool design and brilliant color, it would not only start a conversation, it could very well end one, too, especially if hugs and aphrodisiacs were involved...

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