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About House & Home: How to Have a Super Super Bowl

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  from Diane Schmidt
I'm not a big football fan. I'll even admit that I don't understand the rules. Regardless, I usually invite friends and family over for the big day. It's a great excuse to get together, eat and sit for an entire afternoon. Gotta' love that!

In the Spotlight
Super Bowl Party Menu
My favorite snacks are usually stress-free and easy to make. But just because I prefer to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen, doesn't mean that the snacks can't upstage the game.

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10 Rules for Stain Removal
Football Game + Yummy Food + Excitable Adults = Laundry Stains. Do I need to say more?

Prepare for a High Definition Super Bowl
My uncle just bought a gigantic HD TV. Even though he bought it so he could host the game this year, his small home won't accommodate the entire family. Instead, he's hired movers to bring the TV to our place. My husband is hoping that this temporary fix somehow becomes permanent.

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