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About House & Home: What's On Your List?

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  from Diane Schmidt
I've mentioned before that I'm not really big on the whole New Year's Resolutions, yet each year I make my list, swearing that this time I'll stick to it. It would probably help if some of the items were a little more reasonable. I mean, I'll never be a size 6 nor will I ever run the Boston Marathon. Instead, I should replace the impossible with things like trying to maintain the same waist-size and being able to run up the stairs without losing consciousness.

In the Spotlight
New Year's Resolutions for Budget Decorators
One of the things I swore I would do this year is pay more attention to the inside of our home, in particular, areas of the house that mean a lot to me. Like my office. I've decided that I'm taking back the space no matter whose things I have to impound.

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Top New Year's Resolutions for the Garden
And like the inside of the home, our outside could use a little help, too. Even though I spent more time in our garden than I usually do, I still ignored some of its best features, like the little apple tree in the corner that never asks for much, yet it always provides us with such abundance.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint in 2009
This is definitely on my list for 2009. We started by buying a Prius, which does help. But then I tend to think that I can drive more because of all the gas and emissions I'm saving. Crazy. So this year I've vowed to walk longer distances, take transit more often, and cycle rather than drive. Not only will it help the environment, but it'll save money and help me keep earlier resolutions about maintaining my waist-size.

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