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About House & Home: Lend a Helping Hand

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  from Diane Schmidt
Now that the recession has been made official, most of us are thinking of ways to cut back. Charities are worried that some of those cut-backs will include donations just when they need them the most. But giving to others doesn't mean that you have to forgo the presents; instead, check out these great ideas for helping others that won't break your budget.

In the Spotlight
Support Valuable Services & Find Bargains Galore
I love thrift stores. I think I like the thrill of the hunt, finding great deals and one of a kind items. Of course, it's also rewarding to know that my donations and purchases help support the local community, too.

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Help Others with Your Stitches
I've tried knitting and I usually don't get very far. So when I heard that a neighbor was knitting up a storm for charity, I decided to dust off my needles to see if I could help out. Not only did I manage to knit a straight row (and more than one!), and create some much needed baby booties, but I also found some like-minded friends.

Feed the Hungry: Season of Suppers
When most of us think about food donations, we rarely remember the pets of people in need, yet so many of us who treasure our animal companions can't imagine having to give them up because we can't afford to feed them. So here's a great way to give a little back.

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