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About House & Home: Preparing for Winter

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  from Diane Schmidt
I went to a holiday party last week where I met a woman who loves winter. At first I didn't believe her until she told me how depressed she is all summer and can't wait until the first snowfall. She then explained how she moved as far north as she could without losing the finer things in life like malls, bookstores and four-star restaurants. I told her she was a freak of nature.

In the Spotlight
Design A Comforting Winter Home
The one thing I do like about winter is coming home to a warm cozy house where I can cuddle in front of the fireplace and dream of warmer climes.

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Prepare for Winter Power Outages
We keep candles and matches on alert all winter. My husband also has a wind-up radio and flashlight that he loves to pull out once in a while and pretend that we don't have any electricity. I usually just roll my eyes then turn on all the lights in the house.

Don't Ignore the Lawn Just Because It's Winter
Our front lawn is covered in snow. It wouldn't be so bad if we weren't living on the west coast where snow is supposed to stay in the mountains. So we really didn't prep our lawn for a foreign invasion of white stuff. After reading this article, I realized that I haven't been giving our lawn all the TLC it so deserves. Let this be my first New Year's resolution.

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