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About House & Home: Holiday Travel Tips

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  from Diane Schmidt
This year our family has decided to spend the holidays driving along the west coast. Usually, we're flying to see relatives or taking endless ferries to visit my in-laws, but instead we agreed that a road trip might be fun and a great way to spend time together without other distractions. At least that's how my husband sees it. I'm hoping that we make it through the trip without too much hair loss.

In the Spotlight
Save Money When You Fly
Flying keeps getting more expensive, which is one of the reasons why we opted to do a road trip. Then again, it might be worth the extra cost just to hold onto a bit of sanity.

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Top 10 Travel Activities
I'm all for road trip games. Keeping everyone busy, entertained and laughing tends to postpone any pinching, screaming and taunting that seems to hit after just an hour on the road.

How to Travel With Your Dog
Growing up, we always took our dog with us on family trips. Of course he was better behaved than we ever were, that is, if you discount the times he barked frantically at the livestock that we happened to pass. For some reason he severely disliked cows, but only brown cows - not the black and white kind or the ones who were all black with white faces. Nope, just brown.

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