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About House & Home: New Year's Eve Party Planning

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  from Diane Schmidt
With Christmas festivities wrapping up tomorrow, the next event on the calendar is New Year's Eve. While I'm not one to dress up, I do like to do something special even if it's just a quiet night in with friends and family.

In the Spotlight
Plan A Cozy New Year's Eve Party
Every year I think that this time we'll celebrate the new year right with the perfect dress, the perfect date and the perfect party. But when I think of the most perfect thing to do, what always comes to mind is just staying home and sharing good food and wine with people we love.

           More Topics
Top 10 New Year Resolutions for a Healthy Life
For every New Year resolutions list I make, I place health and fitness at the top, thinking that if I write it down, talk about it to friends, then post it on the fridge for everyone to see, maybe I'll follow through. It never seems to work, but I keep hoping someday it'll stick.

Host a Stress-Free Holiday Dinner
This year, we're planning a very casual dinner party to welcome in 2009 and while the menu keeps growing, becoming more complicated, I'm determined to have a stress-free night. Personally, I think that if the new year arrives when you're in a stressful state, you could be stuck there for the rest of the 12 months. Maybe I'm just being silly, but it's a risk I'm not willing to take.

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