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About House & Home: Thanksgiving Planning Guide

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  from Diane Schmidt
I remember my first Thanksgiving away from home. I hosted dinner for friends with all the fixings. Of course, I wasn't ready for the complicated tasks of preparing the feast. I think I spent the entire holiday on the phone to my mother who not only offered me her sage advice, but also talked me down from ordering out for pizza instead.

In the Spotlight
Organize Your Thanksgiving
My mother told me that much of a dinner's success lies in careful planning. I was 19. Back then I didn't plan very much so I didn't see why it was so important until some of my guests failed to arrive. I'd forgotten a key ingredient of a successful party: make sure everyone has the right address.

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What You'll Need to Cook Thanksgiving Dinner
I could have used this list. Instead, I had to improvise. First, my tiny apartment oven was too small to cook the massive turkey, which meant using my next door neighbor's oven for most of the day. Then, when I went to base the bird, I had to use a paintbrush that I'd rescued from the bottom of a box where I'd stashed my old art supplies.

Thanksgiving Crafts and Activities
Activities are always a good idea. If I had planned some fun games for my guests to engage in while I frantically prepared dinner, they might not have noticed that things were a little disorganized.

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