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About House & Home: Can H1N1 Be Spread Through Water?

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  from Diane Schmidt
A friend of mine is convinced that the only way to stay protected from H1N1 is to wear the equivalent of a Hazmat suit everywhere he goes, including when he takes the dog out for a walk in the woods where he never runs into anyone. I have to admit, it's hard to know what to believe when it comes to protection. It's just good we have some answers this week from our Home and Garden Guides.

In the Spotlight
Can H1N1 Be Spread Through Water?
This same friend says I'm crazy for continuing to swim at our local gym. But I'm a swimmer. I live for water. So can swine flu really be spread through water?

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Can My Pets Get H1N1?
This would add another layer of complication to the whole protection protocol especially since we have an immunocompromised kitty. I wonder if they make Hazmat suits in his size?

How do I Disinfect Bedding?
The same friend contracted a bad flu bug while away on business and stayed on at the hotel for the duration of his illness, claiming the hotel had better ways to sterilize sheets so he wouldn't spread it to the rest of his family. But what if someone in your home does become ill. Is there a way of protecting the other members?

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