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About House & Home: Timing is Everything

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  from Diane Schmidt
When I was five, my mother told me that timing is everything. Of course, she pulled a perfectly baked apple pie from the oven as she said it, but I thought she meant that speed was of the essence. I went out the next day and spent my allowance on a stopwatch that I wore around my neck for weeks.

In the Spotlight
When is it Time to Call the Vet?
Just last week I insisted that my husband take our cat to the vet after noticing that he was hanging out at the water bowl for too long. A huge vet bill later, we found out he had a piece of grass stuck in his throat that he eventually swallowed without any help from the vet. Moral of the story? Read this article so you'll know when to call and when to listen to your husband.

           More Topics
When is the Best Time to Buy a Home?
Buying a home is always tricky and timing your home purchase is even trickier. Wait too long, the prices may go up. Buy too soon, and you might be paying too much. Find out how to time it just right with this article from About's Guide to Home Buying and Selling.

When is the Right Time to Fertilize the Lawn?
I never thought I'd be so obsessed about a patch of grass. But after moving into a neighborhood where everyone seems to mow their lawns with barber-like precision, I find ourselves in competition for best front lawn. So, if you don't live in my neighborhood, I suggest taking a look at this article on fall fertilizing tips so you'll have the best patch of grass come Spring.

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Seasonal Pollen Allergies
What is a Seasonal Allergy?
Just when you thought it was safe to leave the house, it's time for fall allergy season to begin. Find out what causes fall allergies and share your coping tips.

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