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About House & Home: Green Up Your Home

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  from Diane Schmidt
Everyone seems to be going green. Even my father-in-law, who swore he'd never give up his beloved, gas-guzzling classic car, has succumbed to the common-sense of going green. He now drives a small energy-efficient vehicle which he brags about to all his friends.

In the Spotlight
Eco-Friendly Home Improvement
Unlike my father-in-law, you don't need to spend a lot of money to have a more energy-efficient and green home. Small tweaks, like the ones suggested in this free video, can keep your money where it belongs - in your pocket.

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Get Instant Hot Water
Getting instant hot water sounds like a dream. Imagine not having to wait for the shower to warm up on an early, cold winter morning. Plus, it saves water. Brilliant!

How to Buy Green Furniture
I admit that I don't always think sustainability when buying furniture. I'm more concerned about the color, shape and comfort of a piece than whether the wood came from endangered trees. But after reading this article, I can see that you can get what you want (and need) while being an environmentally-conscious consumer.

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Seasonal Pollen Allergies
What is a Seasonal Allergy?
Just when you thought it was safe to leave the house, it's time for fall allergy season to begin. Find out what causes fall allergies and share your coping tips.

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