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About House & Home: How to Inspire Lifelong Learning

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  from Diane Schmidt
I'm a firm believer in lifelong learning. Maybe that's why I always seem to be in school, whether it's returning to finish a degree or signing up for online courses. My inspiration? My mother. She didn't have the opportunities I've had, so each time I enter a classroom, open a notebook, and with each homework assignment I complete, I honor her spirit and love of learning.

In the Spotlight
Encourage Lifelong Learning
The inspiration for lifelong learning often comes from our parents. Their interests spark our own and their encouragement assists in fostering our passions. Part of that parental inspiration comes from setting the right tone in your home, one that will keep children excited about learning no matter how old they are.

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Create & Decorate a Reading Space
Reading is key to lifelong learning. Growing up, my mother read to us while we washed dishes. When we were old enough to read ourselves, my sisters and I took turns reading while the others finished the daily chores; it was a great way to create a bond between us, keep us from arguing over tasks and inspired us to read - always.

Create a Back-to-School Scrapbook
My mother always saved our school mementos in a shoebox that she would transfer into a photo album during the summer holidays. Before the next school year started, she would make us look through the previous year's album, asking questions as we turned each page. This time we spent gave us a chance to remember what we'd accomplished, what we needed to improve and above all, it made us excited about the year to come.

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Just when you thought it was safe to leave the house, it's time for fall allergy season to begin. Find out what causes fall allergies and share your coping tips.

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