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About House & Home: Things You Might Forget to Do

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  from Diane Schmidt
I enlist the help of every software tool known to humankind to ensure that I don't forget to do certain tasks. This means that I remember that all-important meeting at 2:00 or the soccer game at 6:00, but then forget that I don't have clean socks or that the garbage needs to go out. What I need is advice on what to do when I do forget to do stuff.

In the Spotlight
I Forgot to Plant Spring Bulbs
I did. I really did forget to plant spring blooming bulbs. My mother-in-law reminded me last week and while she tried not to scold, I could hear her frustration through the telephone line. But according to this article, I still have time. So there!

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I Forgot to Send a Thank-You Note
I try not to do this, but stuff happens. Knowing the "rules" of thank-you notes is key to ensuring that you don't miss that all-important cut-off date. Like maybe a year after receipt of the gift is a little too late?

I Forgot to Do the Laundry
This happens in our house often. Usually it's because someone has something important to do that requires a specific item of clothing and blames the other person for the item not being clean (i.e., me). Or not being ironed. If you read any part of this article, read the bit on "Pig Iron" - that's going to be how I do things from now on.

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