วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Things You Might Forget to Do

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  from Diane Schmidt
I enlist the help of every software tool known to humankind to ensure that I don't forget to do certain tasks. This means that I remember that all-important meeting at 2:00 or the soccer game at 6:00, but then forget that I don't have clean socks or that the garbage needs to go out. What I need is advice on what to do when I do forget to do stuff.

In the Spotlight
I Forgot to Plant Spring Bulbs
I did. I really did forget to plant spring blooming bulbs. My mother-in-law reminded me last week and while she tried not to scold, I could hear her frustration through the telephone line. But according to this article, I still have time. So there!

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I Forgot to Send a Thank-You Note
I try not to do this, but stuff happens. Knowing the "rules" of thank-you notes is key to ensuring that you don't miss that all-important cut-off date. Like maybe a year after receipt of the gift is a little too late?

I Forgot to Do the Laundry
This happens in our house often. Usually it's because someone has something important to do that requires a specific item of clothing and blames the other person for the item not being clean (i.e., me). Or not being ironed. If you read any part of this article, read the bit on "Pig Iron" - that's going to be how I do things from now on.

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วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Pamper Yourself Without Spending Money

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  from Diane Schmidt
My friend Mona decided that she'd had enough of not being pampered because of budgetary restraints, so she held a pajama party for her girlfriends. We spent the night giving each other manicures and other beauty regimes that we'd normally pay a fortune for. Even though my hair is a little more red (okay, a lot redder) than when the night started, I really felt like I'd been to a spa without spending a cent.

In the Spotlight
Indulge Yourself with a Home Spa
Okay, so you don't have to throw a pajama party to create your own spa get-away. You can do it all from the luxury of your own bathroom. All you need are a few tips to get you started.

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Create a Luxurious Living Space
Nothing says luxury like thick fabrics, soft cushions and deep colors. But you don't have to spend a lot to get a lot, not if you use a little imagination and draw inspiration from some professional designers.

Relax with a Soothing Eye Pillow
After a long day, an eye pillow is the height of pampering as far as I'm concerned. I mean, a pillow for the eyes. What more can I say?

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Seasonal Pollen Allergies
What is a Seasonal Allergy?
Just when you thought it was safe to leave the house, it's time for fall allergy season to begin. Find out what causes fall allergies and share your coping tips.

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วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Timing is Everything

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  from Diane Schmidt
When I was five, my mother told me that timing is everything. Of course, she pulled a perfectly baked apple pie from the oven as she said it, but I thought she meant that speed was of the essence. I went out the next day and spent my allowance on a stopwatch that I wore around my neck for weeks.

In the Spotlight
When is it Time to Call the Vet?
Just last week I insisted that my husband take our cat to the vet after noticing that he was hanging out at the water bowl for too long. A huge vet bill later, we found out he had a piece of grass stuck in his throat that he eventually swallowed without any help from the vet. Moral of the story? Read this article so you'll know when to call and when to listen to your husband.

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When is the Best Time to Buy a Home?
Buying a home is always tricky and timing your home purchase is even trickier. Wait too long, the prices may go up. Buy too soon, and you might be paying too much. Find out how to time it just right with this article from About's Guide to Home Buying and Selling.

When is the Right Time to Fertilize the Lawn?
I never thought I'd be so obsessed about a patch of grass. But after moving into a neighborhood where everyone seems to mow their lawns with barber-like precision, I find ourselves in competition for best front lawn. So, if you don't live in my neighborhood, I suggest taking a look at this article on fall fertilizing tips so you'll have the best patch of grass come Spring.

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Seasonal Pollen Allergies
What is a Seasonal Allergy?
Just when you thought it was safe to leave the house, it's time for fall allergy season to begin. Find out what causes fall allergies and share your coping tips.

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วันพุธที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Green Up Your Home

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  from Diane Schmidt
Everyone seems to be going green. Even my father-in-law, who swore he'd never give up his beloved, gas-guzzling classic car, has succumbed to the common-sense of going green. He now drives a small energy-efficient vehicle which he brags about to all his friends.

In the Spotlight
Eco-Friendly Home Improvement
Unlike my father-in-law, you don't need to spend a lot of money to have a more energy-efficient and green home. Small tweaks, like the ones suggested in this free video, can keep your money where it belongs - in your pocket.

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Get Instant Hot Water
Getting instant hot water sounds like a dream. Imagine not having to wait for the shower to warm up on an early, cold winter morning. Plus, it saves water. Brilliant!

How to Buy Green Furniture
I admit that I don't always think sustainability when buying furniture. I'm more concerned about the color, shape and comfort of a piece than whether the wood came from endangered trees. But after reading this article, I can see that you can get what you want (and need) while being an environmentally-conscious consumer.

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Seasonal Pollen Allergies
What is a Seasonal Allergy?
Just when you thought it was safe to leave the house, it's time for fall allergy season to begin. Find out what causes fall allergies and share your coping tips.

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วันพุธที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: How to Inspire Lifelong Learning

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  from Diane Schmidt
I'm a firm believer in lifelong learning. Maybe that's why I always seem to be in school, whether it's returning to finish a degree or signing up for online courses. My inspiration? My mother. She didn't have the opportunities I've had, so each time I enter a classroom, open a notebook, and with each homework assignment I complete, I honor her spirit and love of learning.

In the Spotlight
Encourage Lifelong Learning
The inspiration for lifelong learning often comes from our parents. Their interests spark our own and their encouragement assists in fostering our passions. Part of that parental inspiration comes from setting the right tone in your home, one that will keep children excited about learning no matter how old they are.

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Create & Decorate a Reading Space
Reading is key to lifelong learning. Growing up, my mother read to us while we washed dishes. When we were old enough to read ourselves, my sisters and I took turns reading while the others finished the daily chores; it was a great way to create a bond between us, keep us from arguing over tasks and inspired us to read - always.

Create a Back-to-School Scrapbook
My mother always saved our school mementos in a shoebox that she would transfer into a photo album during the summer holidays. Before the next school year started, she would make us look through the previous year's album, asking questions as we turned each page. This time we spent gave us a chance to remember what we'd accomplished, what we needed to improve and above all, it made us excited about the year to come.

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Seasonal Pollen Allergies
What is a Seasonal Allergy?
Just when you thought it was safe to leave the house, it's time for fall allergy season to begin. Find out what causes fall allergies and share your coping tips.

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