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About House & Home: August in the Backyard

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  from Diane Schmidt
I feel like there's only one more month left of summer, and as much as I love the fact that my tomatoes are ripening, the beans are ready to pick and the lawn has stopped sprouting dandelions, I'm not quite ready for it all to end. So I'm spending as much time as I can outside, enjoying all the fruits (or vegetables) of my labor.

In the Spotlight
August in the Garden
I usually think of August as harvest month, when most of my veggies are ready for the dinner table. But it's also the time to start thinking ahead. Check out Marie's advice on August garden tasks so you can prolong the colors and tastes of your garden, while prepping for next year's abundance.

           More Topics
Start Planting Your Fall Vegetables
I've never been a fall gardener, which seems crazy since we live on the West Coast. According to Colleen, About's Guide to Organic Gardening, I could be enjoying a whole host of fresh veggies If I would just forgo the lounger in favor of my garden gloves.

Patio Design Ideas
It's not too late to start enjoying your outdoor space. Just last week we finally got around to purchasing a new patio table that doesn't tilt to one side and new outdoor lights that allow us to linger a little longer. In fact, it might be the perfect time to redesign the patio, taking advantage of all those end-of-summer sales.

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