วันพุธที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Host a Feast , Cook Outside & Keep Bugs Away

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  from Diane Schmidt
This week's newsletter salutes the last remaining weeks of summer with tips on enjoying the bounty of the harvest (even if it's a few cherry tomatoes from your container garden), ways to cook outside without using the barbecue and natural tips to keep the bugs at bay.

In the Spotlight
A Summer Harvest Feast
My garden is overflowing with veggies. I can only freeze or can so much. Instead, with help from Donna, the Guide to Entertaining, I've decided to host a neighborhood feast. It's a great way to celebrate the end of summer, to have one final outdoor party before school starts and to ensure that everyone enjoys the bounty of the harvest.

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Design Your Own Outdoor Kitchen
A friend of mine is determined to build a pizza oven in his backyard. It would be a nice change from a barbecue and there's nothing like the taste of wood-oven pizza. So, I encouraged him to check out David's article on outdoor cooking spaces, including details on how to build your own brick oven. How cool is that?

Natural Insect Repellents
We've spent a bit of time in this newsletter talking about bugs that bite and sting and while it's just a part of outdoor life, it doesn't mean that we have to forgo a nice night on the beach just to save ourselves from itchy bites. Instead, go natural and try these great suggestions from About's Guide to Green Living.

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