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About House & Home: Remedies for Summer Stains, Bites & Itches

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  from Diane Schmidt
I really hate winter and when I announced this to my cold-loving friend the other day, she reminded me of all the summertime things that bite, sting and itch. I protested loudly, but then I surveyed our medicine cabinet and noticed that the shelves were stocked with bug spray, sunscreen and bottles of calamine lotion. Okay, so maybe winter isn't so bad after all?

In the Spotlight
Get Rid of Sweat Stains
I admit it. I sweat a lot. When I complained to my doctor, she said it's good for me. It might be good for me, but not it's not so good for those nice white shirts that I love. That is until I found this great home remedy for getting rid of unsightly sweat stains. Now, I'm back in white.

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How to Remove a Tick
My father-in-law called me the other day to say that he'd found a tick in his leg. He'd never had one before and was lost about what to do. Being a former farm-girl, he thought I might know how to proceed. My rural roots didn't help much, but working at an animal shelter for two years did. Rule number one, don't pull it out! Rule number two: read this article.

Natural Remedy for Poison Ivy
For some reason I'm immune to poison ivy. Once, on a canoe trip, I accidentally used it to dry my hands. Of course, I'd also given a few leaves to my husband to use. Needless to say, I had to solo-paddle back to base camp with my husband brooding in the front. So, not only would this remedy cure poison ivy, but it could also prevent someone from having to sleep on the couch for a week.

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