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About House & Home: The Back to School Edition

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  from Diane Schmidt
Yes, it's that time of year again. The smells of pencils, erasers and new backpacks are in the air. For me, it brings back memories of first day jitters, of wearing new fall clothes that are too hot for early September weather and the taste of squished peanut butter sandwiches that had spent too much time in my locker.

In the Spotlight
Back to School Decor
If you want to motivate your child, one of the best things to do is to create a study space at home. This may sound dull, but it doesn't have to be. Instead, you can inspire creativity, enthusiasm and concentration. And you can do it all on a budget.

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Essential Back-to-School Gear
When I was a kid, we carried our books in our arms. Of course, we only had a couple to contend with. Nowadays, it seems like kids have to read an entire cannon which has to be dragged home each night. Prevent injuries and make sure your child is properly prepared with this great guide to back-to-school gear.

Save Money on Back to School Supplies
I still love back to school shopping. I often linger in the pen aisle at my local grocery store or try out the scented markers when no one is looking. But I'm always taken aback by the price-tag. Of course, you don't need to experience sticker-shock, especially if you refer to these handy tips on how to save money on back to school stuff. I wouldn't leave home without it!

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