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About House & Home: Hot Weather Safety Tips

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  from Diane Schmidt
Living on the West Coast, hot weather tends to be rare. But just because our temps don't reach record highs doesn't mean that we can ignore the power of a summer sun and the inclement weather that often follows excessive heat.

In the Spotlight
Protect Children from Burns on Hot Days
Our warm weather here on the West Coast means we often spend long days outside, and because cool ocean breezes seem to lessen the intensity of the sun, we forget to seek shade and respite from the heat. But summertime burns can be a thing of the past if you follow these easy tips.

           More Topics
Hurricane Safety Tips
Growing up in the mid-west, summertime meant tornado season and while hurricanes present different challenges than tornadoes, keeping your home safe remains the priority.

Warm Weather Safety for Dogs
Hot weather can be hard on pets. Unlike humans, it can be difficult to tell if they're dehydrated or suffering from heatstroke. Use these suggestions for keeping your dog safe in the summer sun.

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