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About House & Home: Getting Good Deals in a Down Market

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  from Diane Schmidt
Everyone says that a down market is the perfect time to find good deals. While I agree, I still think there's some wiggle room with the reduced prices able to deflate just a little bit more. Find out how to haggle, negotiate and create greater wealth in your life with these tips from our Home & Garden Guides.

In the Spotlight
Learn to Haggle for Antiques
I was never a great haggler until I traveled through Central America on a very tight budget. After four weeks on the road, I was haggling for everything including my breakfast, hotel rooms and some great antique earrings from a small rural market.

           More Topics
Look Twice at Overpriced Homes
When looking for a home to buy, most of us overlook the high-priced houses thinking that they're way out of our budget. Turns out there might just be a sweet deal lurking behind that high price. Elizabeth is your Guide to finding, and negotiating for, an overpriced home.

Strengthen the Money Area of Your Home
Maybe before you begin to haggle, negotiate and seek out some great deals, take some time to check out this great article on how to increase wealth in your life with some easy to follow changes to your indoor space.

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