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About House & Home: Keep Kids Entertained This Summer - On the Cheap

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  from Diane Schmidt
Growing up, it seemed summer was the time when our parents actually made money instead of spending it. That's because we were a great source of cheap (read: free) labor, especially since we could pick more strawberries than we could eat, would babysit siblings for an extra hour of television privileges and always mowed the lawn in exchange for a ride to the local swimming pool. Ah, the good old days!

In the Spotlight
How to Save Money at Amusement Parks
Last summer we went to our local amusement park and while I'd calculated costs for admission and a little extra for some treats, I hadn't counted on the fact that amusement park lemonade quadruples in price as soon as it passes through the turnstile.

           More Topics
Camp at Home Under the Stars
Some of my best memories growing up are of the nights my sister and I camped out in our backyard. There was something about seeing our yard and house from a different perspective that always gave me a little thrill. Of course, it helped that my parents were close by, as was the fridge and cookie cupboard, just in case our imaginations got the best of us.

How To Build a Sandbox
Nothing says summer like sand and sun. So, if you live far from a beach, the next best thing is a sandbox in your own backyard.

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Cats Photo Quiz
Boy Cat or Girl -- Can You Figure it Out?
Think you can tell a boy cat from a girl cat just by looking at a photo? It may not be as easy as you think: even gender-based color patterns can be misleading. Click here to take the quiz.

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