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About House & Home: Father's Day Gifts for Any Budget

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  from Diane Schmidt
I once asked my dad which Father's Day gift he remembers the most. Without hesitation, he told me it was a tie I'd made out of paper and an elastic. He said it was because of what I'd written on it, how he could see the determination in my thick crayon strokes; the use of the bright colors that I knew were his favorite. For years, I wondered why he kept it hanging from a corner of the dresser mirror. But now I know that it really is the thought that counts.

In the Spotlight
Father's Day Gifts for Any Budget
This old adage of the thought counting more than the money spent is so true, particularly these days when it's difficult to know just what the next year will bring and how financially secure we will be. This great article offers gifts for every budget - big or small.

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Free Father's Day Sketches
Scrapbooking is a great way to celebrate Dad and to remind him what he means to you. And with these great free page sketches, anyone can create a wonderful display of love and affection.

Find the Right Gift for Father's Day
I always find fathers the most difficult to shop for. Maybe it's because my dad would rather visit the dentist than step inside a shopping mall. It makes it difficult to know what might be the perfect gift that expresses everything you've been wanting to say.

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