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About House & Home: How to Make Your Home Shine

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  from Diane Schmidt
I caught my husband using one of our cats to clean the living room floor. Okay, so he was really just playing with her and she happens to like being rolled along the wood surface, collecting dust in her static-filled fur. She just doesn't fit under the sofa where most of the dust collects.

In the Spotlight
Top 10 Home Showing Tips
If you're planning on selling your home, make sure you put its best features forward with these great home showing tips. And even if you're not selling, this article provides some great ways to make your home shine for your next party, family picnic or barbecue.

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5 Easy Ways To Makeover Your Kitchen
Our kitchen is sad. It's leftover from the 1970's, minus the gold fridge. It's time to update it, but I know it's going to take more than my budget allows. My sister told me to just go with the flow, add a few lava lamps, put up some ABBA posters and make my husband dress in a yellow banana suit.

Easy Tips for Good Energy Flow in Your Home
Usually when I clean the house for a party or special event, I'm thinking of sparkling surfaces and getting rid of extra stuff by tossing it in the closet. But this article got me thinking about flow, about how my home feels, which really, when it comes down to it, is what we all want - to feel good in our space.

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