| from Diane Schmidt I've had my garden planted for quite a few weeks now and everything seems to be doing well, except for my cucumbers. I couldn't figure out why they weren't growing until I spotted our orange tabby cat sitting between the rows, systematically biting off the tops of the plants, chewing frantically, then spitting out the stem. My mistake? Forgetting to keep the sprinkler turned on. | | In the Spotlight | 10 Common Mistakes in Container Gardening One summer, when I lived in a small apartment, I went a little container gardening crazy. But because I used so many containers the balcony started to sag until finally the neighbors below called the fire department worried that they'd become trapped. Of course, having several rubber-clad men descend on my balcony sounds like a girl's dream come true, but it only made matters worse. | | 10 Most Common Herb Garden Mistakes Okay, so you don't think you could mess up herbs? Think again. I have a basil plant that is just a shadow of its former self. It's because I can't seem to stop making pesto. Either that or the plant has succumbed to our orange tabby's destructive habits. | Re-engineering - Give Your Garden a Makeover This article isn't necessarily about the mistakes we might make as gardeners, rather it provides some great advice on how to give your garden a makeover. And for those of you starting out, check out the suggestions offered; you'll see your green space in a whole new way. | Sponsored Links | | | | House & Home Ads Advertisement | |