วันพุธที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Green Up Your Thumb

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  from Diane Schmidt
Growing up we always had a huge vegetable garden that we'd spend almost every waking hour planting, weeding and watering. I never thought I'd take up a hoe again, but I missed the smell of the earth and the taste of fresh veggies that I'd grown myself. So, this year, the garden will be taking over both our front and back yards. I guess this year I'll be spending my entire summer planting, weeding and watering...

In the Spotlight
7 Easy to Grow Plants for Beginners
If you're new to gardening, it's a good idea to start with some veggies that are easy to grow. It doesn't mean you can't experiment, it's just good to have something to show for all your efforts and these crops will definitely produce enough to impress everyone at the dinner table.

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How to Start Plants from Seed
I just finished seeding my cucumbers and they've now taken over our front porch. I might have gone a little overboard, but there's something about planting the first seeds that makes me feel like Spring is truly here.

What Herbs Will Grow In The White House Garden?
So there will finally be a vegetable garden at the White House! Now there's no excuse not to start your own. Of course, I'm using the Presidential family as an example of why my husband should concede and allow our garden to spread to the front yard. Maybe now front yard gardening will become the cool thing to do.

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วันพุธที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Get Ready for Some Spring Cleaning

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  from Diane Schmidt
It's hard to believe that Spring arrives on Saturday. I usually look forward to it, except for this year. All winter I've been neglectful of my household duties, so it's a little disconcerting to see dust bunnies bigger than our fattest cat. It's a task that will require super-human strength, lots of disinfectant and a few boxes of chocolate.

In the Spotlight
Complete Spring Cleaning Checklist
Okay, when I saw this list I wondered if I would have to wear my yellow rubber gloves for the next few months. But hey, even though the list is complete, most of the tasks are easy enough that you can finish them pretty quickly, especially if you can entice other household members to pick up a broom or dust mop.

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Clean-up Your Garden
If you're tired of fighting with the dust bunnies, then maybe it's time to get out the pruners and hit the garden. After all, no one ever sees the inside of the laundry room except for you, whereas the entire neighborhood is watching and waiting for spring to bloom in your front yard.

Clean the Air Without Lifting a Finger
This is the kind of cleaning I prefer. Minimal effort, maximum results. It helps that the plants add some gorgeous color while detracting from the fact that the blinds haven't been dusted since we moved in.

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วันพุธที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Not Your Typical Spring Break

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  from Diane Schmidt
March signals the start of spring activities, and high on the list is the infamous Spring Break. While you might not be into the beach scene or spending hours in a crowded airport, there are some great ways to have fun without spending a lot of money or even leaving the house.

In the Spotlight
Entertain Your Kids - At Home
The older I get, the better a staycation sounds. Maybe it's because I'm getting tired of dragging myself (and the rest of the family) through airports and hotel lobbies, hoping that I can sleep through the noise that's pounding from the room next door. But entertaining kids at home can be tough, too. At least that's what I thought until I read this article. Cheap, fun and easy - now that's a vacation!

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From Luxury Hotels to Your Home
If you're planing a staycation, then you should take the money that you might have spent on flights, cheap motels and car rentals, to buy yourself a luxurious mattress. Of course, you'll never want to travel again and your family might just have to make their own breakfast on weekend mornings, but believe me, it's worth the sacrifice...

Go Sugaring
When I was young, our family farm had a back acre that consisted of nothing but maple trees. My father had the brilliant idea that we'd get into the maple syrup business, that is, until he realized just how much work it can be. I loved it, though, and if you're just looking for enough to feed your family's sweet tooth and spend some time outdoors, then sugaring is the way to go.

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วันพุธที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Celebrating All Things Green

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  from Diane Schmidt
These days with all the talk about climate change and eco-friendly products, St. Patrick's Day is taking on a slightly different hue. Now when I partake in my green beer, I'll also be thinking of the earth and how best we can keep her happy.

In the Spotlight
St. Patrick's Day Crafts and Activities
When I was young, I never understood who St. Patrick was despite my teacher's repeated lessons. However, green quickly became my favorite color. My poor mother tried to accommodate me, but she finally had enough when I came down for breakfast one morning with green hair. I was eight. Too young to join a punk band, too old not to know better.

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Get Your Own Natural Cleaning Kit
I hate cleaning. I'll do anything to avoid it. So to make sure our home doesn't get taken over by dust bunnies, I now think of cleaning as a competition to see just how green I can be. It helps. I still dislike it, but at least I can feel better about it, eco-wise.

Start a Vegetable Garden
With the cost of food (and everything else) on the rise, starting a vegetable garden is a great way to save money and eat well. Last year, I took over the backyard, and to my husband's dismay, I'm planning on expanding to the front this season. Even though our family can never eat all we grow, friends, neighbors and the food banks are always happy to share in the harvest.

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