วันพุธที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: DIY Projects to Refresh Your Home

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  from Diane Schmidt
Just knowing that Spring is only a month away inspires me to spruce up our home, because once the warm weather arrives, I won't be spending much time indoors. So, if you're feeling the need for a little touch-up and pick-me-up, check out these great projects that will add some zest to your winter-dreary home.

In the Spotlight
Refresh Your Home With a Splash of Color
My husband decided he'd surprise me the last time I went away. I came home to a newly painted office that, unfortunately, looked like the decorator was my two-year old niece. And it's not that I don't like pea soup, but it's not so pleasant when it covers the walls. So, the first order of business in our home is to repaint. I just need to break the news to my husband.

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Refresh Your Bedroom - On a Budget
Decorators often say that the bedroom is the most important room in the house. I guess it's because our bedrooms should be comforting places where we can escape to when the cold winds howl. And in our house, our master bedroom is definitely a sanctuary...but for the cats. Maybe it's time we redecorate and take back the space. Sorry kitties!

Refresh Your Garden With Gorgeous Flower Beds
Even though Spring is still officially a month away, there's nothing like planning a garden to chase away the winter blues. So get started with this easy to follow guide to flower beds.

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วันพุธที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Has Your Horse Hugged You Today?

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  from Diane Schmidt
I love a good hug. There's nothing better than the warmth and tenderness that another set of arms can give. And I'm not talking about the kind of hug that Uncle Dan gives. You know the one, where the person taps your shoulder while standing two feet away. That doesn't count. I get a better hug from my cat.

In the Spotlight
Teach Your Horse to Give a Hug
I just had to share this great article, especially since I was approached by a group of people today who were giving out free hugs. Now, I love hugs, but for me part of the pleasure of receiving the hug is dependent on who's giving it. If it's a horse, I'll accept it gladly. If it's a strange man on the street looking way too eager, I'll probably pass.

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Grow Your Own Aphrodisiacs
Of course, some people (and horses, too), may need a little extra something before they feel comfortable giving and receiving a hug. And that's okay. Especially when you can grow that extra something right in your own backyard!

Lipstick Sofa
When I saw this sofa, I thought I just had to have one. With its cool design and brilliant color, it would not only start a conversation, it could very well end one, too, especially if hugs and aphrodisiacs were involved...

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วันพุธที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Free, Fast and Fun

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  from Diane Schmidt
In this harsh economic clime, I think we could all use a little more free, fast and fun. Don't you?

In the Spotlight
How to Get Free Food
I've always been a sucker for freebies. Just ask my husband who has to wait patiently while I line up for free samples in the grocery store. So, free food? I'm there!

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9 Tips For Speed Cleaning
I hate cleaning. I think most people do. But what I hate the most about it is the amount of time it takes. Sure, I can waste two hours watching a really bad made-for-TV movie and not feel horrible about it, but make me clean the house for two hours and I feel like I'd just lost an incredible amount of time that I'll never get back. Quick cleaning tips? Count me in!

Just Me & You and Hot Tubs For Two
After all that cleaning and standing in line at the grocery store for free food, I long for the soothing comfort of a hot tub. Of course, with Valentine's Day on the horizon, it would be nice to have a hot tub - just for two.

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วันพุธที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

About House & Home: Love is in the Air

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  from Diane Schmidt
Valentine's Day can be a time to celebrate love in all its forms, whether that's with a special someone or good friends. There's no reason why all of us can't indulge in the love-inspired goodness(including chocolate-shaped hearts) that are an integral part of the holiday.

In the Spotlight
Gifts and Tips for Valentine's Day
Every year I swear I'm going to do something completely outrageous on Valentine's Day - something that my husband would never suspect. But then my enthusiasm seems to dwindle in direct relationship to the growing pile of laundry. Help!

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Can You Attract Love?
You bet you can! At least I'm a firm believer in romance as an enticement to love. And even though the laundry might get in the way, nothing says "attraction" like a man with a vacuum cleaner in hand.

Valentine's Day Printables
It's been a long time since I exchanged Valentine's Day cards. This year, I made my own and have them ready to give to friends as a reminder of days past when the big thing was to rush home after school to count the number you received and save that special one signed with a kiss.

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