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About House & Home: Take Up a New Hobby

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  from Diane Schmidt
My creative pursuits have always involved projects without a lot of complication. I tend to get bored easily and move from project to project without always completing what I started. So this year I vowed to take up projects that require more time and patience. I've also listed my projects on our family bulletin board next to the report cards. My husband has already given me an "F" for the hand-knitted hat I promised him for Christmas.

In the Spotlight
Free Quilting Patterns for Beginners
I've only completed one quilting project on my own, and I think my sister has relegated the blanket to the back of the closet. I questioned her about it recently and she told me that I should take up another hobby instead. But I won't be dissuaded. This article has given me hope!

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Easy Knitting Patterns Even I Can Make
I started knitting with a community of women on my street. I still struggle with a few stitches and I'm often the one selected to run to the cafe for lattes and muffins. They blame it on the fact that I'm a few years younger than the rest of the group members, but I'm sure it's because I tend to unravel more than I knit.

Woodworking Plans for Everyone
A friend of mine is big into woodworking so whenever I take on a project that involves felled trees, I keep his phone number on speed dial. But I might not need to use it if I follow some of these inspiring woodworking plans.

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