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About House & Home: White House Facts

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  from Diane Schmidt
No matter where you live, everyone's caught up in inauguration fever. Friends, who never considered watching the changeover of power, took the day off work to ensure they didn't miss any of the festivities. A Canadian friend said she called into work sick, claiming she had a fever. She just failed to tell them that it was inauguration fever. And I don't think there's a pill for that.

In the Spotlight
12 Things You Didn't Know About the White House
I always thought that the White House was always called that. I didn't know that the President's home went by several different names before one finally stuck. It's a bit like going through grade school. You just always hope that a better nickname comes along before the bad one sticks.

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Don't Let Politics Interfere
Like most of us, I have friends and family who stretch across the political spectrum. This can sometimes lead to confrontation. And even though things sometimes get heated, I'm thankful that we feel free to share our opinions and that, at the end of the day, friendship overrides all else.

Who Will Be The Presidential Puppy?
What will be the breed of choice for the newly sworn-in president and his family? A member of my family voted for a low maintenance variety that doesn't require daily walks or ball tossing activities. Of course, that vote came from our cat who shuns any animal whose description includes the word "loyalty".

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