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About House & Home: When is the Best Time to Buy a Home?

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
With my sister and her family in the midst of trying to sell their home and friends looking at buying for the first time, I'm starting to feel the push-pull that must be at the heart of most home sales and purchases. This week we look at both sides of this turbulent market for tips on how to be successful no matter which side of the equation you're on.

When is the Best Time to Buy a Home?
While friends consider their first home purchase, I thought I'd look into buying trends, both seasonal and market-wise. However, what I didn't consider was, is there a day that is the best day to buy a new home? You betcha'!

Landscaping Considerations When Buying a House
Who knew that certain landscaping plants can warn home buyers that the house they're considering might not be a sound purchase? Find out how to read the warning signs before you step through the front door.

Should You Renovate Your House Before Selling?
This question created a huge divide between my sister and her husband. My sister thought it best to sell without the renovations, while her husband grabbed a sledgehammer to dismantle the kitchen wall. To ensure a well-thought out truce, I had them read this informative article from About's Guide to Home Renovations.

How to Find the Perfect Apartment
Our friends are also thinking that maybe they should look for the perfect apartment rather than buying a home. In case they opt for a lease instead of a mortgage, I sent them this easy-to-use guide to apartment hunting.


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