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About House & Home: Fall in the Garden

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
Just because it's September doesn't mean the outdoor fun is over for another year. According to our Guides, there are simple ways to extend the season by using protective covers, planting new crops (especially if you want to keep vampires at bay) or by preserving the harvest so you can savor your garden's goodness all winter long.

8 Tips for Fall Container Gardening
My containers always seem to reach their peak in September, just when temperatures start to drop and the heavy rains set in. But this year, to keep my outdoor space looking fabulous, I'm going to try my hand at planting what this article calls cool looking and cold loving annuals. Love that!

Protect Plants with Row Covers
When I was a kid, I used to help my mother cover the tomato plants with old bedsheets. At night, I didn't dare peek into the garden, scared to see so many ghosts lined up like soldiers in a row. So I'm glad to know that protecting plants from frost is now much simpler and definitely less scary.

How to Plant Garlic
Speaking of scary, who wouldn't want to grow their own garlic with the ever-growing popularity of vampire stories? I mean, just in case. Besides, according to this article, it's pretty easy to grow, should be planted in the fall and tastes great in soups, stews and fresh bruschetta.

Canning Tips & Resources
My friend, Sophie, who cans everything and anything (except the family dog), claims that with the right supplies and the perfect guide (like this one), canning is no longer an overwhelming or tedious task. So grab that bushel of tomatoes and read on!


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