วันพุธที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Easy Tips for Green Living

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
With all the attention on green living, it's hard to know what kinds of changes can really make a difference in the size of our footprint or help us reduce the amount of waste we produce. But our Guides are here to help with some easy and fun ways to create a greener, cleaner world.

Start Composting
I think I've said it before here, but composting is actually a lot of fun. And something the entire family can do - together. Because what kid doesn't like to play in the dirt? Especially if it involves building stuff, watching garbage decompose and worms - don't forget the worms.

Go Guerrilla Garage Sale Shopping
I have a friend who we call the queen of the mean-deal. She can spot an amazing garage sale item from the driver's seat of a car. She can also haggle with the best of them. But she claims it's really all about reusing and recycling and if it happen to save her money, well, that's a bonus.

Just One Veggie Meal a Week
I confess. I'm a vegetarian. I'm the only member of my family who is and it can make mealtimes a little harder to negotiate. So I was really happy to read this article that suggests we can help save the planet (and your wallet) by going veggie once a week.

Get Your Garage Ready for an Electric Car
I can't wait for the day I can plug in my car like I do my flatiron, no longer needing to wait in line at a gas pump. And it's coming. Soon. Find out how to get your house ready for the next wave of green commuting.


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วันพุธที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Fall Organizing Projects

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
Now that fall is officially here, it's time to get your home organized after all the summer fun. And to lend a helping hand, our Home and Garden Guides have easy tips and suggestions to get your household back on track.

Organize Your Home
While organizing the entire household might be overwhelming, there's no reason to panic, not if you follow these five guides to organizing the most important areas of your home.

Organize Your Home Office
My office is a mess. For some reason household stuff that isn't sure where to live tends to make its way past the often closed door. I haven't quite figured out how, but what it does mean is that I need to get organized before the desk disappears beneath the multiplying clutter.

Organize Family Chores
This is the one thing we complain about whenever I get together with friends - the imbalance of the cleaning schedule. Tired of complaining, this article inspired me to do something about it. But I suppose I should start with tip #7: Get organized before you expect everyone else to!

Organize Your Finances
With most of us (myself included) paying off the summer vacations and thinking ahead to the upcoming holidays, fall is the perfect time to get your finances in order. Not only will you sleep better, but you'll have a better understanding of exactly how much you can spend on Aunt Mary's Christmas present.


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Is it a Cold or the Flu?
Knowing whether you have a cold or the flu can help you treat your symptoms more effectively. More>

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วันพุธที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Cool Weather Craft Projects

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
When the temperatures begin to drop and the days start to shorten, most of us will be spending more time inside than out. Fall craft projects can help ease the transition from summer activities to winter hibernation by giving your creativity a boost.

Soap and Candle Projects for Fall
For me, nothing says winter hibernation like scented candles, a hot bath and a good book. Indulge yourself with homemade candles and soap filled with the scents you love.

Knit Your Own Fleece Mittens
I took up knitting last year, and while I'm not very skilled and have zero patience, I can still create cozy, cute mittens for family and friends with this easy-to-follow guide. Perfect for beginners, too.

Maple Leaf Quilt Blocks in Fall Colors
Every fall, I look forward to the night when we replace the summer duvets with the handmade quilts pulled from the cedar chest - quilts from grandmothers and aunts, handed-down through the generations to keep our family warm and our history ever-present.

Costume Making Tricks and Tips
When I was a kid, we always made our Halloween costumes. My mother didn't believe in spending money on something that we'd wear only once. And while I was sometimes jealous of store-bought masks and princess gowns, I always treasured the time spent with my mother and sisters creating a sometimes imperfect, but always dearly-loved costume.


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Is it a Cold or the Flu?
Knowing whether you have a cold or the flu can help you treat your symptoms more effectively. More>

Concerned About Your Drinking?
This short quiz can help you identify whether or not you have a drinking problem. More>

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วันพุธที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

About House & Home: Fall in the Garden

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From Diane Schmidt, your About House & Home Editor
Just because it's September doesn't mean the outdoor fun is over for another year. According to our Guides, there are simple ways to extend the season by using protective covers, planting new crops (especially if you want to keep vampires at bay) or by preserving the harvest so you can savor your garden's goodness all winter long.

8 Tips for Fall Container Gardening
My containers always seem to reach their peak in September, just when temperatures start to drop and the heavy rains set in. But this year, to keep my outdoor space looking fabulous, I'm going to try my hand at planting what this article calls cool looking and cold loving annuals. Love that!

Protect Plants with Row Covers
When I was a kid, I used to help my mother cover the tomato plants with old bedsheets. At night, I didn't dare peek into the garden, scared to see so many ghosts lined up like soldiers in a row. So I'm glad to know that protecting plants from frost is now much simpler and definitely less scary.

How to Plant Garlic
Speaking of scary, who wouldn't want to grow their own garlic with the ever-growing popularity of vampire stories? I mean, just in case. Besides, according to this article, it's pretty easy to grow, should be planted in the fall and tastes great in soups, stews and fresh bruschetta.

Canning Tips & Resources
My friend, Sophie, who cans everything and anything (except the family dog), claims that with the right supplies and the perfect guide (like this one), canning is no longer an overwhelming or tedious task. So grab that bushel of tomatoes and read on!


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Is it a Cold or the Flu?
Knowing whether you have a cold or the flu can help you treat your symptoms more effectively. More>

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This short quiz can help you identify whether or not you have a drinking problem. More>

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